Fitness Blog

Friday, 29 March 2013 04:24 Written by
Published in Success Stories

What Clients are Saying!

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In the late 1990's Dave Gluhareff lost over 100 Pounds!



Client Testimonials!


Justin Ward (pictured below)

"I've never been one to go to the gym or even run. Maybe once or twice in college, but nothing regular. I heard about Dave two years ago, but started training with him when I became part of the 50,000 Pound Weight Loss Challenge from Get Fit Dan River Region.

Now I'm regretting not visiting him two years ago. It was a rough start (I'm stubborn), but I quickly caught on. It didn't feel like work but rather visiting with a friend.

Now I actually feel my age. I can walk up stairs without getting out of breath, I now want to run, and it's showing. I've lost 22 pounds in three months. I'm stuck on Dave's eating plan that is easy to follow with tasty options. Also, I feel better about myself. My confidence is back. And I'm getting compliments at work and at church. It's a great feeling. I owe all of it to Dave. He uses his knowledge of fitness and dieting while making a personal plan that fits with his clients. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the same results with anyone else in town.

I only have one complaint, I've had to buy new clothes that are smaller. (But that's a complaint and purchase I can live with!)"


Chuck Vipperman (pictured below)




Nashzee Watkins (pictured below)

My name is Nashzee Watkins and I am 20 years old. I started training with Dave back in May of 2012 and yes I am still with him to this present day. Since then I was 225lbs and now I'm about 185lbs. Also, I've went from a size 40" in pants to a size 36" and i can even fit in some 34" pants. My shirt size too has dropped from an XXL to an Medium. So obviously he's doing something right lol but overall it's a great gym and Dave is a good trainer and I seriously recommend him but you have to be willing to work out and train.



Jamie W. (pictured below)




Charlie McElvy


Charlie McElvy

  • I've been married to the same woman for nearly 18 years, and we have 7 (yes, SEVEN) beautiful children together, including one adopted daughter. I'm very involved with my kids' lives, and my wife homeschools them, so I take the opportunities available to do Daddy-Daughter Dates or grab my son for a "Man-Date", as we call them. When we can, my wife & I escape for a date night to enjoy just being "us". Challenging enough, but definitely fun -- we have awesome kids!

I'm the manager of a nation-wide team of IT professional engineers, and my role is to coordinate their travel and expenses, assign them to opportunities based on their geography or skill set, and ensure that they maintain levels of certification beneficial to our organization and to their individual career expectations. I also try to help them balance their quality of family life with their work assignments, as their family life is important to me, as it is to them. I also have to help manage the vendor partnerships (we have over 20 partners) and ensure they get the proper attention necessary.

I'm an OCR athlete, meaning I spend much of my free time training as much as possible, trying to maintain a high-degree of efficiency with my workouts. Strengthrunner was GREAT for that! I saw plenty of gains in the past couple of months and broke several PRs!

In addition to all of that, I have recently written and am working on self-publishing a comic book, and I've already written and published my own gaming sourcebook (available on, plus dozens of individual character downloads available today. As a side venture to that, I also digitally publish works from third-party creators so they can use my press name as a market vehicle. I've also done book cover designs, character designs, and I do graphic design for my racing pro teammates. Somewhere in all of that, I sleep.


  • Before & After shots from the same angle and same location. This was only 2 months difference (give or take). Most notable, and not seen in the images:

• increased PR for Flat Bench Press by +20# • increased PR for BB Back Squat by +45# • increased working sets of DB single-arm bench press by 10# each (I finally moved up to the "big boy" DB rack -- using 55# & 60# DBs) • increased in maximum dead-hang pull-ups by 4 (without rest) • increased PR in mile by 39 secs • increased PR in 13.1K (Half-Marathon) by 11mins (sub-2hr) -- achieved during the Marine Corps Historic Half!


Brad M. (pictured below)


Timmy Ferguson

Timmy Ferguson

"I have lost 36.6 pounds and dropped 3 pant sizes and 1 shirt size. Meeting Dave and Suzanne has been a blessing! They have shown me the way to lose weight and get healthy. I have also been able to come off of the 2 blood pressure meds I was taking and im no longer pre diabetic."


Paul K. (from Canada)


Paul K.

"Dave, I've been crazy busy since getting back from Texas Hunter Gatherer, but wanted to make a quick post here to thank you for all the support this year. As an online client I've been impressed by how much you been there to support my training and to help me prep for events like the Vermont Spartan Beast and last weeks Survival Race Hunter Gatherer. I don't think I would have done this well in my first year of racing otherwise. Much appreciated, and I look forward to running with you in Nicaragua!"



A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength.

--Proverbs 17:22, NLT

This verse reminds me of you. You and the ppl you come n contact with and your work is a demonstration of this verse. Ppl, like myself, broken n spirit come to bootcamp as an outward expression of a desire to be strengthened inwardly. Through talking with you, being around you, ppl, like me, are encouraged and strenthened not only physically but inwardly as well. Your happy heart, laughter, and authenticity with others has a healing effect. You r good like medicine Dave Gluhareff.  I wanted you to knw what i was thinking. I really appreciate you - Suzanne


     I attempted to lose weight on my own over the last 7 years and repeated the cycle of losing and gaining weight.  I finally decided to solicit the help of a Personal Trainer.  Dave was my ultimate choice because he knows what it takes to lose weight, make a healthy lifestyle change and maintain a healthy weight. I am Fabulous at 40 and doing things I never would have imagined doing at this point in my life.  I can do jump pull-ups, jump squats, push-ups, lift kettlebells & weights, and pull a strong man across the floor while running!!!!  I even do activities outside, and I am not an outdoors lady.   With Dave’s 1:1 guidance since March 8, 2012, I have loss 33 pounds, 13 ½ inches all over, and 1 dress/pant/shirt size.  I am strong, and can work out like an athlete.  It is a pleasure to receive 1:1 training with a phenomenal guy, and gain a friend as well. - Tip T. “Noahzma”
"I am getting better over TIME" - "Have a great day and a better tomorrow" , God is GRAND!!!!   Blessings-Tiffany T.

     I was a Virginia Boot Camper and loved it! I am 42 years old and had a baby a year ago in June. I was desperate to get my "pre-baby" body back since I was feeling depressed about how I looked and felt. After attending Bootcamp for 8 months, 3 times a week, I was thrilled with my results!! I had lost all the extra baby weight and more!! I lost over 20 lbs but I lost more in inches, especially my belly, butt and thighs. I really toned up without bulking up!! My goal was to lose all the weight and be healthy again so I could try to have another baby quickly due to my age. I thank God, for He has blessed us with another pregnancy and I truly feel getting back into shape had a lot to do with that! I made some great friends thru Bootcamp who really helped encourage me and keep me motivated. Some days it was really tough to drag myself to Bootcamp, but what a great morale and mood booster it was every time, knowing I was doing something positive and healthy for myself! I had to move out of state recently but know I'd have been a life time member of Bootcamp if we had stayed in the area!! Thanks Dave for helping me thru some tough times and helping me reach my goals!!!! Miss you already
Lori O - Have a blessed day!

   I was invited to go to the South Boston Gym by a friend. I had stopped going to the Y and was doing my own "thing." I realized I was not doing a good job. However, I wasn't too sure I wanted to be in another gym. Dave found out my concerns about my body and immediately started me on a schedule to make me fit. From Day One, I realized I had never had the opportunity to have a semi-personal trainer and I liked it. That was a year ago , and I am hooked on how Dave trains me and the rest of the group. I am more fit than ever : I feel good about myself and the attitude in the gym is so positive. We work hard and laugh a lot while following Dave's instructions. I find Dave very professional and easy to work with.  - Meredith Bowman

Dave,this is Mia just wanted u to know that in the past when i fly i needed a seat belt extender but this time i could buckle the seat belt with out it! -Mia 

    I can¹t tell you how happy I am that I found Virginia Bootcamp and Dave Gluhareff! I¹ve made great improvements in my physical strength and cardio fitness, not to mention overcoming injuries.  I call it my ³Non-Gym² because the atmosphere is really quite unique at Bootcamp, unlike ANY gym I have ever been to.  At 45, I¹ve taken on physical challenges that I never thought were possible for me, like the Mud Obstacle courses we¹ve done as a group. As if that weren¹t enough, I¹ve lost 17lbs and have taken off 14 1/2 inches off my measurements!  Thanks Dave, and all my buddies at Bootcamp!!  I could not have done it without your friendship and support! ~Rosemarie Percario~

     "As a distance runner, I've had a fair level of core fitness for about 20 years, but consistently lost the battle at the dining room table.  Through Dave's customized workouts and the support of simply the  nicest group of fellow boot-campers, I've reached a new level of motivation with my health and wellness.  In about 90 days, I've gone from 185 pounds down to 170 pounds, and I look forward to my workouts and the fresh challenges of each session.  Join us at Virginia Boot Camp and we'll get motivated, encouraged, and healthy -- together!  - Paul Nicholson   

Hi Dave This is Tammy, I have lost 9 pounds in 5 weeks, one inch in the waist and hips. I have tried other work outs. Yours is by far the best. You have been overweight and understand where I am coming from. I tell everybody I see that wants to work out about you. It is a struggle every day with food, I try to go by your list which helps. Before I started your boot camp I felt bad all the time. I now have energy to play with my kids. I know this will continue to get better the more I come. :-) - Tammy

Dave! I've lost 2 more lbs! Thats 17 total! Thanks! - Carol Whitlow

i just want to let u know that i just pushed my two older least 150 pounds together..mostly uphill..all over the LA zoo!!! Hahaha - Michelle A.

Down another pants size!!!!! But I'm still gonna eat some crawfish today!! We can work it off tomorrow. -Kitti

I have tears in my eyes as I write this.....I am so thankful for what you have done to help me! Ask Brandy about us running through Busch Gardens to ride the Roller Coasters....what 60 year old woman (other than me now) can you think of that would be doing this!  lol...I am sure it was a sight!  I thank you from the bottom of my heart! - Gail

Dave....I miss you!!! I just wanted to update you on how I did with my surgery.
I came home a day early from the hospital because I was progressing so well. I had crutches....but got rid of them within a week....I got rid of the cane a week later than that.... I know that it was because of how well I had bulit up my muscle....had I not done that I would not have been able to overcome the pain.....and also I would not have been able to compensate with all my other muscles. Thank you for making this knee replacement recovery a breeze. Sometimes when I carry in groceries and feel the pain in my knee I think, 'Wow that's how I would feel all the time if it weren't for and Bootcamp....had I not gone I would be 20 pounds heavier and be in a lot more pain...
Thank you so much for all you have done for me...teaching me better nutrition and how to keep exercising even in pain. I know you love your job and it really shows. - Deborah Boyer Graham

By the way - - I'm down 62lbs and counting. Almost to my second goal. Doing it in 50lbs at a time until I reach at least 200. But then I may try to go all the way to 150 - 170 (my weight / height ratio.) Thanks for your help, encouragement, and patience in the beginning. It means a lot. If there is anything I can do to help you let me know.

Thanks again,


After only 3 weeks of boot camp and modifying my diet, I can already see differences in my life. My clothes fit better, I feel better about myself and I don't get winded climbing the stairs of my 2 story house anymore. The sessions are much more enjoyable than a traditional gym atmosphere and I've even made some good friends along the way. -Rebecca H.

Thanks for the bootcamp. My girls really enjoyed it! -R

Hey man I deserve congrats from u..After a long while I Got a chance to weigh myself at gym today... The weighing scale which used to show 246 lbs in December 2010 showed 211 lbs today. My overall weightloss stands at 35 lbs after only four months. Hopefully soon would get rid of that ugly fatty area on abs too. I owe this all to you & your day to day guidelines... Also, I wanted to post this to your wall, if you like?? thanks again -MMK

Wow man you are doing so well.. Would say those ppl are lucky to have you there to get full advantage of your skills.. I am doing better than ever. Following your workouts I am feeling more agile and stronger...-MK

It was pleasure talking you. Really impressed with your knowledge and am very glad to know that finally someone could figure out my problem and Would I be able to get my new exercise and diet plan today?In the meanwhile I am still sticking to 3 weeks to lean program for both in exercise and diet..Thanks alot take care - M

Just got my blood work lab reports back. Glucose went from 200+ down to 125!! Also 25 pounds lighter as of this morning.. Thanks Dave Gluhareff!!!! -Scott Budd

*yes can't wait---been working out @ home--just not the same!

Dave, your boot camp and attitude can change Danville’s image. I am so proud of your diligent work. – Susan

Thanks Dave & Ken for a great workout!!!! i enjoyed the calorie, muscle burning & toning routine.. a great way to start the weekend!!!! see you next time… – Nick

Rock solid info Dave. No gimmicks- just clean eating. – Brandon

Boot Camp was awesome!! Thanks again Dave!! – Hannah

Great first day workout, Dave….all I can say is ouch….
no really…it wasn’t that bad. I am looking forward to seeing more of you so I can see less of me!!!! – Deb

Start of the second week of Virginia Bootcamp with Dave Gluhareff …..all I
can say is ouch!!! No actually pain is my friend…and now I really
know that there are ab muscles under there somewhere….- Deb

I am madly addicted now…I suggest VBC for anyone who wants the buzz…=) – Laura

Can’t wait to get this beach nonsense behind me (LOL) so I can get back to boot camp. My dad and I have gotten up every morning at 7 to walk and today is day two of aquazumba. So I have NOT been slacking while on vacation dear brother n law!! – Brandy

No, seriously, at boot camp we have fun and work hard all at the same time! – Amy

I have been asked the same thing!! LOL It is so not like an army boot camp… It is fun and the sense of accomplishment you have after is awesome! Plus if Dave ever yelled at somebody I would probably have a heart attack and it he ever yelled at me then I would make him look like a drag queen in his picture in Piedmont Shopper!! I will be back to boot camp soon Dave!!! I promise :) Keep up the good work! – Lesley

Dave’s Boot Camp is not about getting yelled at like people think. I have actually been asked how much I get yelled at; not at all! It’s the “boot camp” mentality of working very hard, not quitting, having the commitment, and a team effort. We exercise in a group and for many people this is excellent motivation. No one wants to fall behind or quit in front of the others, and if you need this type of motivation (like I do), this is the place for you! Can’t wait till the next one. – Laura


I went “deep” into the back of my closet and found my “Favorite” Abercrombie Cargo’s….& OMG!!! I’m Rockin’ them today!!!….THANK YOU DAVE!!! “YOU” Make ALL the Difference!!!….haven’t been in these since Aruba 04′…Wishing You and Your Family a Beautiful Weekend!!!!…..Missy

At the time that I started working out with Dave, I was 53 years old, very over-weight, on BP meds, and flat out “LAZY” when it came to exercise.  I have never been one to go to the gym to work out because #1, I had no idea of what to do, #2 I was afraid that everyone would look at me and laugh at the fat girl trying to master those moves and machines, and finally #3, I had absolutely “no coordination and balance”.

Dave has worked diligently with me now for 5 months and I have lost 35 lbs, been taken off my BP meds, and feel great.  I feel stronger than I ever have and actually look forward to my workouts.  I still have trouble with coordination and balance, but this just gives us something to laugh at during workouts.  He has taught me so much about exercise, eating right, and how to handle things when “LIFE” sneaks back in.  He also quickly learns your limitations and pushes you only to your “safe” limits.  This was a very important issue to me due to the fact that I have had back surgery in the past and have very bad knees.

I have hit a brick wall over the past few months, but Dave has stood right beside me and not made me feel bad that I am at a standstill with my weight.  He has been there, done that and truly understands.  He gently pushes me forward and with his help, I have maintained.

So, if you need to lose weight, learn healthy eating habits, and be taught how to exercise correctly, then Dave is your guy.  He has a heart of gold, truly cares, and makes exercise fun.  He even takes the “daggers” that I throw his way with a smile.

Thanks Dave for sticking with me……

-Marsha P.

“I have been training with Dave for 2 1/2 months now and have lost 30 lbs.  I have increased my lean muscle mass, my cardiovascular fitness, and my metabolism and this has enabled me to burn more fat each each workout and day.  Dave has done an excellent job of tailoring the training to my individual needs and has also kept my nutrition on target.  With Dave’s continued one on one training I hope to reach my overall weight loss goal by early next year.” - Dr. Cory A. McKinley


Anyone that knows Dave, knows he is a great personal trainer.  He is enthusiastic about fitness and does great work with all of his clients, but there is another side to Dave.  This is the Dave that not too many people get to see, and fortunately, we have come to see this side of Dave.
Dave is a very good friend, one who will stand by you and do anything to help you out, and he will do this without reservation.  We found this out over a year ago when we were going through some tough times, Dave would call me at least twice a day to check in and see if there was anything he or Yenni could do for us.  He was there for us.  I don’t think he will ever know how much this meant to us.
We were also there for him when he was going through some tough times, as we had been through the exact same thing quite a few years ago.  He can put up a very brave front, but there comes that time when you just have to let go, and we were glad to be there for him when he needed us.
Dave is not only a terrific personal trainer, husband, and father, he is a very special friend.

-Beth & Don Chamberlain

Beth Chamberlain

Chamberlain’s Retrievers

752 Hall Farmer Rd

Blairs, VA 24527


434-770-1223 cell

All my life I have been overweight. Over the years I steadily put on more and more pounds by eating all the wrong things and moving very little. I felt pretty good so I didn’t think too much about changing anything. Then about three years ago, when I reached my all time top weight, I started having serious health issues with high blood pressure, cholesterol problems and diabetes. And, I started having dizziness, joint pain, shortness of breath, etc.  I knew I had to do something but I was too shy to go to a gym or work with a trainer.  I tried a few diets and lost a few pounds but would always gain them back and feel worse.  Then a friend recommended I talk to Dave… and that’s when my life changed.  He kindly and gently taught me that food choices, rest and exercise ALL play an important part in successfully improving your health. He patiently worked with me as I started exercising.. always taking into consideration my limitations.  After a short time, I started feeling better, moving better and my health problems steadily improved until I was able to reduce or eliminate many of my medications.  Instead of dreading going to the gym, I started looking forward to it because I knew I would feel so much better all day if I went.  I lost over 60 pounds and have kept if off for over two years, thanks to Dave.  He became more than a trainer, he became a friend, who I felt, truly cared about my health and he inspired me to WANT to do better.

I am still not thin… and I probably never will be, but I am healthier and feel better than I have in a long time.  With Dave’s help I was able to make many important lifestyle changes that have now become easy habits. I don’t know what would have happened if I had not met Dave… it is quite likely I would have had a heart attack or stroke by now.  I will always be thankful for having found him.

-          K.C. – Age 55 Danville, VA

Since I have been training with Dave for a little over four months now, I have garnered many benefits.  I have lost twenty pounds, can wear one to two sizes smaller depending on the style, can ride for many hours in the car without feeling stiff, feel more energy when doing housework, and can run up and down stairs without feeling breathless.  My overall health has improved simply by committing to three sessions per week at the gym and by making appropriate food choices.

-          Susan Regan, 63 (Train With Dave Danville & Bootcamp Client)

South Boston Fitness has been a life changing experience for me!  For many years I have wanted to get in shape.  I have tried different diets and just a walking plan.  I never really felt a lot better.  I am approaching the big “50″ and I really had the desire to find the perfect trainer and get in shape.  I saw the ad in the Gazette Virginian and decided to just give it a try.  Well, I can’t say enough great things about Dave, South Boston Fitness and the new friends I have met through my three (3) month journey.  I have much more energy (I am not falling asleep at 7:30 p.m.), my clothes fit much better, my self esteem has improved and most of all I have a much better attitude.  I would like to encourage anyone to try South Boston Fitness.  The small group atmosphere is wonderful.  Dave works with each one of us at our own levels of fitness.

I can truly say that I look forward to going two or three times a week.  I have a 30 minute drive one way at 5:30 a.m. Because of the difference it has made in my life, I have made this commitment.

-          S.F. (South Boston Fitness Client)

I can’t say enough about Dave and his team of trainers at South Boston Fitness.  The “feel good” results from the strength training sessions are immediate.  For years I have dealt with chronic back pain.  I was so tired of the doctors and shots they would give me, pills and Bengay patches and chiropractic visits.  WOW..who knew that strengthening my back muscles would literally cure my back pain. It’s wonderful to get up in the mornings without pain and no more trying to find a comfortable position for my back when I go to bed at night or just sit down.  Working out for me has been a cure all not just physically but emotionally as well. The endorphines released after a workout are far better than any little pill a doctor can give you for depression.  I know so many women in their 40′s who are on medication for depression.  THROW THEM AWAY and get to the gym.  What I love the most about South Boston Fitness is that I feel 100% comfortable with the small group sessions. It’s not like an aerobics class where you are thrown in with a bunch of people who have been working out for ages and you are expected to keep up.  Dave and his team will structure a workout that is suitable for you where you are right now, whether you have worked out on the past or never stepped foot in a gym.  Everybody there is there for the same reason I am, to stay healthy and feel better about themselves.  When I work out I want to eat healthy, it all works hand in hand with each other.  I understand so much the fear of getting started, I used to be there. The fear of failure, the attitude I had that there was no hope for me.  Anybody, I mean anybody regardless of age or size can get in shape.  I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and refused to live another day like that.  Life is just too short. Thank you Dave for all that you have done for me to help me stay on track with my weight and my overall health!

Debbie Palmer Owner/Broker/Palmer Properties of VA

Debbie Palmer, Owner and licensed Broker in the State of Virginia
The Cordura Security Building
554 N Main St
South Boston, VA 24592
fax 434-575-2416

Since training with Dave I feel so much better, I am stronger, leaner, and my clothes fit better. I have fibromyalgia, and that is under control with regular exercise. I have started wearing shorts again for the first time in many years. My eating habits are better (except for Christmas cookies!!)

-          Dell Hawkins (Train With Dave Danville, Virginia Client)

Hi Dave,

You have helped improve my balance, strength and mobility. As you know, I am 82 years old, and am left with just one lung because of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis surgery six years ago. I am now able to engage in all normal activities of a man my age, thanks in part to my regular training with you.

Thanks again. All best wishes!

Joe Stendig (Train With Dave Danville, VA Client)

“My job keeps me in a chair in front a computer for too many hours a day and it really takes its toll.  Since training with Dave, I feel energized after my workouts, I’m more focused at work, eating better, burning more calories, and I know I’m going to reach my goals to be a fitter, healthier me.  I have worked with my share of personal trainers and hands down, Dave is the BEST.  His inspiring story gives me the confidence to push through my resistance and be my best self.”

Ben Capozzi (SVHEC) (South Boston Fitness Client)

Hey Dave,

I never thought I would be getting out of bed at 5:45 in the mornings to get ready and go workout before work, I’m not really a morning person, or I wasn’t until I started working out with you and your other trainers. I love coming in to workout it gives me energy to start my day and I feel a lot better for doing it. If I have to miss I hate it. It also helps when people see you and they notice. I saw results in my first week. So glad I did this for myself. Oh and forgot one thing, everyone thinks I’m younger than I am. Thanks!

- Cheryl Thompson Licensed Salesperson in the Commonwealth Of VA
Palmer Properties Of Virginia LLC 316 Main St. South Boston, VA 24592 Office 434-575-2417 Fax 434-575-2416434-222-5209 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell

“Athletics has always been a big part of my life – biking, hiking, tennis, running, etc.  In 2008 I found myself going through pre-menopause and was struggling with my mood swings and weight gain.  In January of 2008 I decided to take control over the situation and set attainable weight loss goals for myself.   As a result I lost 30 lbs by May 2008 – an average of about 1.5 pounds per week.  I accomplished this goal by working out 4-5 days a week and changing my diet to one that mimics a diabetic diet – nothing white but lots of poultry, fish, veggies, fruits and lots of water.  Once I got started and wrapped my head around the new plan losing the weight became easier with each passing week.  Now comes the hard part – maintaining!   I vowed to myself that I would not regain the weight after all of my hard work.  This is where Dave comes into my life.  So many of my friends train with Dave and had seen tremendous results.  I thought I would give it a try and started with the Bootcamp on Saturday mornings.  I love this style of training because it takes place outdoors and it is in a group setting.  Being a very competitive person, I enjoy the support and ribbing I get from fellow participants.  With Dave’s help, I have successfully kept the weight off for almost 2 years now.   Dave’s continual support and his joy of educating his clients about nutrition sets him apart from all of the rest and will keep me coming back for more.”

-          Anne Moore-Sparks / 44 (Train With Dave Danville/Bootcamp Client)


Training with your small group personal training has truly been a blessing to me.  I am 84 years old and I have so much more energy now.  I am able to mow my lawn, work in my vegetable garden and do my house cleaning.  My cholesterol and blood pressure readings are much better.  I sleep better and have lost a few inches.  I look forward to being in the class on Monday, Wednesday

and Friday.

-          Dorothy Milam (Train With Dave Danville Client)

I have been working out at South Boston Fitness since the first of November.  This was my first time back in the gym in two years.  While I felt I was in general good health, walking daily, low blood pressure, etc. I was suffering from low back pain due to an injury from the mid 1980s.  I would awake in the mornings with a stiff back and neck.  Since going to South Boston Fitness, I no longer have back pain or stiffness in my neck and shoulders.  I have been to gyms from time to time for the past 25 years with personal trainers available to me.  An exception of South Boston Fitness is the personalized exercise regiment and variety of strengthening exercises each of us is asked to perform all the while working out in small group training sessions.  For me, my regiment is structured to strengthen my core – abs, arms, legs – without placing the stress on my lower back or shoulders and neck.  Since going to South Boston Fitness for two months, I do not suffer from low back pain and do not awake with stiffness in my neck or shoulders.  I feel much stronger and have also realized either a loss in weight or inches, as I am fitting more comfortably in my clothes.  We have three times per day, three days per week that are available for us to work out, and we are free to choose which time works best for us on each of those days.  Dave and his team are knowledgeable, very professional in their approach, and dedicated to making me have a stronger and healthier body.

 Linda, Age 59 (South Boston Fitness Client)

I have been doing a Small Group Training with Dave in his South Boston Fitness business for eight weeks. I am enjoying the way I feel and what I am able to do since I started. I would recommend Dave’s training to anyone. I am a 65 year old woman who is overweight and I have had knee replacement in both knees. This is the best thing I have done for myself.

-          Effie – 65 and Retired (South Boston Fitness Client)

I was thrilled to see a personal training place open in South Boston. I had shattered my ankle in Sept. of 08 and was grossly out of shape. I had gained about fifty pounds over my normal weight and was morose about ever getting back in shape. So much of what I tried to do hurt my ankle and I was fearful to try much on my own so Dave and the small group were a Godsend. I could barely do my fifteen minutes on the treadmill to warm up. Dave was encouraging and the small group was fun. No great need to look my best when I came (love that part). After a month I left for St. Louis to help my mother recuperate from knee surgery. Dave kept up my email workout routines and I immediately joined a gym here. Without the start I got in S.B. I know I would never have pursued a healthy routine here. I work out every day. I can do 60min. on the treadmill at an incline of 9.5 and speed of 3.7. I work out with weights every other day. I call Dave and check-in. I have lost 15lbs. my hips and 3in. off my waist. I am in a size med. comfortably and even can wear some smalls I left at my mom’s two years ago. I encourage my friends here to eat healthier and am only rarely sorry I can’t eat all the junk food they do. I feel so much better and cannot begin to say how grateful I am to Dave for my start. Unfortunately my mother fell and broke her arm requiring surgery and I will be staying another month but I know I can stay on track here with Dave’s support. I joined Gold’s gym for another month today and plan on going back to working out tomorrow.

Merry Christmas to all.

-          Gail F. (South Boston Fitness Client)

Working with Dave the past few months has been awesome. Dave focuses on physical training, diet and overall healthy lifestyle. Dave is knowledgeable, dependable and dedicated to his profession. Staying healthy and fit takes commitment and Dave has been by my side the whole time to make sure I stay on track. Thanks Dave!

-          Hampton Wilkins –  (Train With Dave Danville Client)

At 72, I commenced to experience substantive issues of diminished flexibility and equilibrium. The exercise program devised by David Gluhareff addressed these issues and helped to maintain/restore both flexibility and equilibrium. I also witnessed enhanced muscle tone. All of this attests to David’s capabilities.

- James Harper (Train With Dave Danville Client)
P. O. Box 2160
Danville, VA 24541

The real proof of value to the fitness training perhaps lies within someone like me who cannot afford it at the present time but nonetheless still sees incorporated into life the “new” way of looking at food, exercise, and rest. Maybe not “Training with Dave” like I would prefer but “Thinking with Dave” just the same.

-          R.B. – 57 years old – Danville, Virginia & Pittsylvania County, Virginia

I am a 40 year old professional without much time for working out but a strong desire to compete in a variety of sports (soccer, ultimate, basketball).  Dave structured my workouts to focus on my personal goals.  After working out with Dave for 2 months, I got my first comment about how much better I was playing.  Working out with Dave allowed me to meet a personal lifetime goal: being selected for a National-Level Ultimate Frisbee tournament team!

Three years later I continue to see improvements based on his focus and mentoring.  Dave, I could not have done it without you!

-          Brian H. – Danville, Virginia / Washington D.C. (Very Busy Professional)

As of 12/09 I have worked out with Dave 550 sessions. People ask me why I do not work out by myself. I do not know what to do, I would hurt myself. I do not know how to stretch after the exercise.  I find working out with Dave is a form of therapy. It is stress relief for me.

-          DM (Train With Dave Danville Client)

-Since working with Dave I am able to run upstairs if i need to; in the process of running upstairs, I am not feeling the jiggle of back fat anymore!


-”I started working with David when our newborn grandson arrived and I found myself taking a major part in his care.  My knees and back began to ache from picking him up and holding him so much, so I went to David for strength training.  After just three months of resistance and cardiovascular workouts two to three times a week, the pain disappeared.  I could lift and carry the baby as much as I wanted without any discomfort!”



-Working with Dave for several years at a difficult time in my life made me feel better about my self-image. I lost about 8 pounds that had resisted removal for a decade. My arms and legs became stronger, which improved my skiing ability. Having great muscle-tone and more energy, my entire life was improved. Finally, I could wear some of my favorite clothes again!


-As the result of training with David, I feel stronger and am better able to lift objects around the house, including file boxes.


Dear David:

Thank you for giving Charlene and I the desire to work out on a regular basis. We looked forward to training with you two days a week. You gave us a schedule and we stuck to it week after week. Now that we are living in a different location we still use your workouts each week.

Thanks again!

Ed and Charlene Clay

Hi David,

I am so excited about your new book! When I worked with you originally I had been suffering with back pain for 6+ months, I really believe that training with you saved me from surgery. The other really great thing that happened was at Disney …after the night parade and crowd, we were trying to get out of the masses and I was easily able to put D on my sholders and carry him all the way through to the parking lot….without weight training I could never have done that. Thank you.  I gave A your first book …I think he’s yet to read it.  He’s 6′, but over 200 and it’s hurt him in sports and socially.  I cried when I read the book because it reminded me of him.  He feels like we’re on him about weight, although we try not to be. I’ve been trying your “Three Weeks to Lean” from the article at  I think it’s great..I am never hungry…Alex says he wants to start this as soon as school is out…he thinks he can’t eat healthy at school. No point in arguing with him.  I’m looking foward to your new book!

You and yours are in my prayers,

C. B.

Dear Skeptic Reader,

Stories like Dave’s of losing 100 lbs, the training system, the lifestyle changes, etc. all on the surface have the makings for a great novel or perhaps a grand movie wherein the fat person after losing weight gets the super sexy member of the opposite sex, wins the lottery, and buys an island in the Caribbean.   After all it only happens in a book, or a movie, or in this case of one in a million with Dave himself.   But unlike fantasies, this is entirely true.

I have been training with Dave since February of 2006.   I have lost weight, regained weight, and lost weight again.   My strength and stamina have increased along with admittedly some aches and pains.  These ups and downs have a term…. called life.   The normal pursuits in life, both compliment and conflict at times with the training.  The KEY is the entire approach to dealing with all of this.   THEREIN is the success for his efforts.  I have learned to become focused not upon appearing on the cover of a magazine but instead being focused on delaying my appearance in the obituary column.

Most people, Dave included, do not gain excess weight. over a few months.  It usually takes years of improper eating habits, lack of strength training, little if any cardio training, and sleeping only when the TV is void of something to watch.   Reversing all this takes time as well.   Dave gives his clients the knowledge, teaches, them the patience, and develops within them the perseverance to get back up when “falling off the wagon”.

It is NOT about the numbers on the scale, nor how much weight one can push, nor counting calories, nor following a regiment.  It is ENTIRELY about how one approaches life from many aspects as far as health is concerned and at the same time recognizing that it is a long and continuous journey, a journey which might begin as in my case with feeble baby steps but soon get bigger.  Anybody can pile weights on a machine or hop on a treadmill but without knowing what TO do and what NOT to do, the results MAY be different than the objectives. .  This is very much like someone trying to fix their own car engine with only a slight clue about fuel injection.

I used to hate guacamole thinking it was Mexico ’s revenge at America for sending them rap music.  Dave and his wife served me guacamole once at their home and it was delicious.  It was the same ingredients but this time prepared by someone who really knew what she was doing in the kitchen.

Dave knows what he is doing, in the same manner, at the gym.    Do whatever you do best and leave the fixing of guacamole to his wife, and leave fixing your health to Dave who knows what he is doing.   Lawyers have a saying that goes” one who represents himself in court, has a fool for a client.”   You have tried it YOUR way without success for YEARS.   Isn’t doing the same thing over and over expecting different results sort of the definition of insanity?

Richard N. Bailey

- I was reading your article on and then went to your website and what an influence you are. I just think that’s an amazing transformation.

- I recently finished my ISSA fitness trainer certification and I got an article that you wrote for new trainers on how to market. It was a great article and I learned a lot of good information.

- Hi Dave! I came across your site while surfing thru I am working on my personal trainer certification via ISSA now, as well as working on my own physique (end goal is to lose 55 pounds). I love your website. You are living proof that it can be done. Thank
you for inspiring me.
T. G.

- Hi, you have really inspired me with your weight loss. I have always been overweight. Not at a point that I was unhappy but I knew I could look better than what I do. Not until I had my daughter in March of 2002 did I start becoming depressed about my weight. First of all, I gained too much weight with my pregnancy. I weighed 215 when I got pregnant and when I gave birth I weighed 272. One year after the birth of my baby I decided I had to do something about my weight. I started going to Weight Watchers. It worked good for awhile. I lost 32 pounds on the plan. But after a while I got bored with counting the points. I weigh 208 now. I have started working out at the gym. I have been working out for about 4 weeks and I can already see a difference. The flab I had from giving birth is starting to diminish, plus the time I have at the gym is my time to relax and get away from the stress of being a mother and wife. You have been a great inspiration to me. Thank you, keep up the great work and please e-mail me back.

- Your before and after pics are really inspiring!!!

- David, I read your article – very inspiring.

- Hey Dave. Over the past couple of months I have been dieting and have recently, about a month ago, started to work out and exercise regularly.  I have read all of your articles that I could find on the Internet and also checked out your web page.  You truly are an inspiration.  I remember the “big Dave” and you look great now!  I am trying to do like you did and varying my workouts to keep my body guessing but one thing that I have been doing each morning is walking/jogging a couple of miles.  This really makes me feel good.  I really like the compliments that I get when people notice that I have lost 30 lbs.  I finally got the ultimate compliment when I saw someone I went to high school with and she said that I look like I have been working out since my shoulders were so much bigger than the last time she saw me.  Anyway, you probably hear stuff like this all the time so I won’t bore you with a lot more.  I just want to say thanks for what you unknowingly did for me.

- Dear David,

I liked your story about how you didn’t eat properly and didn’t use any weights and were therefore overweight. I had the same problems throughout high school and thankfully figured out how and when to eat properly in college, as well as started resistance training with free weights.

- David,
Thanks so much for the article I read about how you lost weight. My story is similar to yours.

- Hi Dave,
I came across your article about personal training in a small town at I myself am very interested in being a personal trainer and was looking online about certifications and such.

- Annette told me about your selection as trainer of the month so I visited the website. Congratulations!

- Dave, I just read the article. It was great. Very personal, helpful and insightful.

- Congrats Dave that is awesome, I am so proud of you!!

- We are happy about Dave's recognition and proud of his accomplishments. What a great article.

- Dave:
What a great article about your successes. I’m sure that your Mom is thrilled that you credited her with her efforts, too.

- Dave, just read the essay. It was wonderful and thank you for all you said about your Mother! I love you so much and am so proud of you. I know those were very painful years for you, but your strength and perseverance paid off in a wonderful way.


- That’s great Dave. Great story.

- Hi Dave,
Congratulations on your feature article and on being able to share your life story. I just finished reading it and did already know most of your story but was very touched by the small details you shared.

- I would appreciate any advice you may have.

And congratulations on your own amazing transformation!! Sincerely, Jennifer

- Question


Answer - Good morning T! Congratulations on all your efforts! Never give up! I went through almost the same situation as you. I wanted to change jobs to help people do what I did. I wanted my clients to feel as great as I did and do. My personal training career has been so very rewarding and the company I was certified with almost eight years ago ISSA – International Sports Sciences Association has been with me every step of the way. I love what I do and I am rewarded financially as well as emotionally. Working for myself has been wonderful. Never forget what it was like to be so big! Channel those old frustrations into making your positive work environment now. Let those old feelings motivate you now to help others achieve a healthy lifestyle. Also, from a marketing standpoint, use your story to build your business and motivate others. Thanks and good luck!

-Dave Gluhareff

- Hi Dave,

Congratulations on your feature article and on being able to share your life story. I just finished reading it and did already know most of your story but was very touched by the small details you shared.

Call Dave at 1-434-728-0952 to set-up an appt or a tour of the new fitness training facility and for more info!

Click here for a Virginia Bootcamp Welcome Video!







Read 12009 times Last modified on Tuesday, 14 January 2020 21:03
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